"Eu não sou promíscua. Mas sou caleidoscópica: fascinam-me as minhas mutações faiscantes
que aqui caleidoscopicamente registro."

(Clarice Lispector)

sábado, 26 de julho de 2008

i'll need to agree...

4 comentários:

E agora José? disse...

"Just like a star across my sky
Just like an angel off the page
You have appeared to my life
Feel like I'll never be the same
Just like a song in my heart
Just like oil on my hands"

I don't like to argue, but if it happens, I know it's because I love you and I care a lot about you. As the same with you about me. And if we need to argue with someone, I'm glad that it is between us. I want to have a life with you, and if to argue it's part of life, I also want it this with you.

I love you. You're just like a star across my sky...

Anonymous disse...

Realmente essa musica é linda... Pena que nao aprendi a tocar violao...

Anonymous disse...

Realmete essa musica é linda. Pena que nao aprendi a tocar viloao....

I'm Nina, Marie, etc... disse...

Pois é, anônimo... Pois é...
Música, música, música... serenatas... de violão ou trompete...